
The Fourth, or, Patriotic Degree is the highest and most prestigious within the Knights of Columbus. Sir Knights are dedicated to serving their Church, Country, and the Order. The primary purpose of the 4th Degree is to foster the spirit of patriotism in members and the community, and, to encourage active Catholic citizenship. Today, there are over 380,000 Fourth Degree Knights out of the total 2.1 million member Knights of Columbus.


A 4th Degree Knight may become part of the Assembly's color corps. These members are recognized by their distinctive uniform attire and sword. Members regularly take part in civic events, such as parades and wreath laying ceremonies, and at ecclesiastical functions of the church. The various colored Baldric for the sword denote different officer positions within the Fourth Degree.

Assembly 3017 meets on the 4th Tuesday each month in the Education Building Commons on the Church campus at 616 South Cherry St., Kernersville, NC 27184.

For more information, contact the Faithful Navigator via the email link at: https://kofc8509.org/assembly-officers/

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