Star Assembly Award

The Pope John Paul II Assembly 3017 was awarded “Star Assembly” recognition by Knights of Columbus Supreme in New Haven, CT. It was a first for the Assembly, chartered in 2006, and one of only nine such awards in North Carolina. The award was presented after Mass on Feb. 12th by District Master J.P. Horvat to Faithful Navigator Dennis Machuga in recognition of the group’s patriotic programs and civic activities.

Pictured are (left to right):
Front row: District Master J. P. Horvat, Faithful Navigator Dennis Machuga, and, Sir Knight Pete Pulice.
Second row: Regional District Master Sir Knight Jean Dion, Sir Knight Chuck Tierney, Worth Grand Knight & Sir Knight David Kempka, and, Sir Knight Carl Darkes
The photograph was taken by Sir Knight Richard Wallace
The Pope John Paul II Assembly 3017 was awarded “Star Assembly” for the second year in a row by Knights of Columbus Supreme in New Haven, CT.